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Does the VA pay for braces?

The VA typically does not pay for braces as a part of its dental benefits package. However, if the braces are related to a service-connected disability, they may be covered under other provisions. Does the VA pay for dentures?

Where can veterans get dental care?

VA provides quality and compassionate dental care to over 500,000 eligible Veterans at over 200 locations across the country, including Alaska and Puerto Rico. To find the location of a VA Dental Clinic near you use the Dental Clinic Locations Finder. If not eligible, Veterans may obtain dental care through the VA Dental Insurance Program (VADIP).

Why do Veterans need a dentist?

By sourcing dentists in the communities where they live, this travel burden is lifted, and the likelihood of the continuation of care is increased. Low-income veterans often spend a lifetime with urgent care at free or low-cost dental clinics but never accomplish a healthy dental state.

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